Lash Vision Australia - Join the Vision

Have you been chatting away about lashes and look over to your husband who is sitting there, watching a video on his phone letting out the obligatory uh-huhs and realise he just doesn't care about lashes like you do? Or you get to your salon and would love to troubleshoot some problems or bounce some cool ideas off someone but there is no one there? Come to Lash Vision Australia!
The creator, Kimberley Haworth has not only made Lash Vision inspirational and highly educational but at $199, you cant afford not to go! The networking opportunities are endless and there is no doubt you will leave feeling empowered, more educated and uplifted!
As if you need any more convincing but here is a run down of the 2016 event!
Kimberley opened the conference with an important reminder for us to always be kind to each other. As you would imagine, this set the tone for an amazing day. Second to the stage was Aleena Maney introducing ANZEI, a not for profit association created for the Australian and New Zealand lash industry. Its three main aims are for industry accreditation, education for consumers (hallelujah) and to establish industry standards.
Then we turned to some more lash related talks with Kelly Storer speaking about how to achieve super full sets, in a safe manner - this is what we all want to give our clients! Pixie Ambler took to the stage next to give a bit of guidance on how we can establish our own path in the industry.
The day wasn't only about lashes, but also about the business side of lashing. Jessica Brown had some great information on the pros and cons of being self employed vs employed in a successful lash salon and definitely gave a lot of "food for thought". Kimberley took to the stage with absolutely invaluable information on protecting the therapist and client by performing patch tests and ensuring you have yourself a safe working environment.
A break for lunch saw some delicious food bought around for us to eat at our tables and to re-energise for the next round! Otto Mitter, the Lash Lifting King shared his top tips on lash lifting and tinting. If you have ever struggled with lash retention, Joy Crossingham's talk on winning the retention battle would have saved the day - its something all lash artists come across in their careers and knowing how to deal with it could be a business saver!
Next we had Mandy Jeffrey who uncovered some myths in the marketing of lash products, including what lashes are really made of and some of the claims made around our adhesives. Last but certainly not least, Aleena spoke again, this time to give some tips on competing in lash competitions - highly fitting considering we saw our first live competition at Brisbane Beauty Expo this year as well a numerous online competitions
If you do come, please come up and say hello - we hope to see you there!